MLA Format

Times New Roman 12-pt with 1” margins all around. Page numbers must appear in the upper right corner of each page except the first (use “Insert Page Number”; do not do this manually on every page!). All papers must have an indicative title and a “Works Cited” section. Note that MS Word often has 1.5” left margin, and often inserts an extra space between paragraphs. You will have to change these manually. For hard copies: No cover sheet. No folders. Attach pages with a staple (unstapled papers will not be accepted).

MLA for Dr. V

Single-space the name/course/date/professor information on the first page. Block/indented quotes: 1.5-spacing (not double-spaced), and .5 margins on both sides. If you have room, add your entire “Works Cited” section at the bottom of your last page.


MLA calls for parenthetical documentation, not footnotes or endnotes. Consult any recent English handbook, the MLA Handbook in the library, or an online guide. Rule of thumb: Given the context of the surrounding passage and the bibliography listing, include the absolute minimum amount of information necessary within the parentheses. The reader needs the parenthetical to point them to the relevant “Works Cited” entry, along with a page number for printed material.