

  • Sep 2015: Another note regarding the book's section on the conjunction of Tarzan's 1960s' resurgence and the war in Vietnam (pp.41-48):  This summer and fall I've been reading a number of 1970s Vietnam war novels and memoirs, and most if not all of them make a passing reference to Tarzan--or, in the case of Ron Kovik's Born on the Fourth of July, the faux-Tarzan television hero Ramar of the Jungle (1952-1953).
  • Apr 2015: Frederick H. White's new article "Tarzan in the Soviet Union: British Lord, American Movie Idol and Soviet Counterculture Figure" is an excellent discussion of Tarzan's soft power international influence. As White writes, "In the Soviet Union in the 1920s...the average citizen wanted to escape with Tarzan into the primeval jungle rather than read about (or build themselves) another hydro-electric damn" (The Soviet and Post-Soviet Review 42 [2015]: 64-85).
  • Oct 2013: Jesse Bering's Perv: The Sexual Deviant in All of Us provides evidence that Tarzan should never have fallen in love with Jane. Burroughs intuited this law of nurture when he gave us Teeka in "Tarzan's First Love."
  • Jul 2013:  "Tarzan and Sookie Sittin' in a Tree," which playfully connects the human-or-beast drama of Tarzan as the same essential drama of vampirehood, and which even more playfully links Tarzan to the American south, missed two pieces of evidence. First, that the movie poster for 1918's Romance of Tarzan promises "THERE'S A VAMPIRE, TOO."  Thanks to Al Bohl for pointing this out when we met at the Tarzan centennial in LA (though the line appears to refer to a vampy woman, not an actual undead). Second, that the HBO miniseries True Blood includes in its anything-goes-sexuality--includes but promptly shuts down--an instance of incest between vampire Bill and his great great great great granddaughter Portia. (Some viewers see Eric and Nora's relationship as at least flirting with incest because they are siblings in as much as the same vampire "fathered" them.) For incest in Tarzania, see On Tarzan's chapter 7. Coincidentally (?), the actor who plays Eric, Alexander Skarsgard, playsTarzan in the July 2016 reboot.
  • Jul 2013:  The great post-publication "doh!" was the realization that On Tarzan failed to articulate clearly that Tarzania's obsession with (fantasy of?) African cannibalism bespeaks a white anxiousness about racial integrity and miscegenation, about literal incorporation into blackness. This metaphor, mostly evident in the films, seems rather obvious and substantive. 


  • p.46, Tarzan and the Great River "was released in 1967, the same year as the My Lai massacre." Wrong. The My Lai massacre occurred in March 1968, about a month and a half after the Tet offensive. How embarrassing!
  • p.34, "On the home front, on March 23, 1922, Tarzan's creator became the first writer known to have incorporated himself...the year that also brought out those highbrow monuments Ulysses and The Waste Land." Oops. The idea came to him in 1922, but the incorporation went into effect March 26, 1923. (from the Porges biography of Burroughs, p.342).